

发布于:2024-10-09 15:00:06
52人 分享

建筑外观及入口 ©Mauricio Rojas, Courtesy of UT Dallas

设计单位  Morphosis Architects

项目地点  美国德克萨斯州

建成时间  2024年

建筑面积  约57,000平方英尺(约合5,295平方米)




由墨菲西斯设计的克罗亚洲艺术博物馆,坐落于德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校,是其艺术文化新区——伊迪丝和彼得·奥唐奈艺术文化新区(Edith and Peter O'Donnell Jr Athenaeum)总体规划一期中,首座竣工的建筑。

The new Phase I museum, which includes the Crow Museum of Asian Art, is the first building to be completed in the Edith and Peter O'Donnell Jr Athenaeum cultural master plan at The University of Texas at Dallas.


建筑外观 ©Mauricio Rojas, Courtesy of UT Dallas


Our design for the Phase I museum began with creating a master plan for the new 12-acre arts and cultural complex. We collaborated with UT Dallas to realize their long-held vision for an interdisciplinary district on campus that would bring the arts into conversation with other disciplines.


已故的项目发起人Rick Brettell所倡导的初始概念之一是“古典雅典娜神庙”,即艺术、人文和科学知识交流的聚会场所。在18世纪,这个词与学院(academic)或联谊会(social clubs)相关,是人们展示艺术、科学和音乐并就其展开辩论的地方。设计挑战在于创建一个跨学科交流的文化中心,并让更广泛的受众——该校所有学科的学生以及公众——得以使用这个建筑,并感受它的热情包容、鼓舞人心。

One of the initial catalysts, championed by the late Rick Brettell, was the "classical athenaeum"—a meeting place for knowledge exchange across the arts, humanities, and sciences. In the 18th century, this term was associated with academic and social clubs where art, science, and music were debuted and debated. We recognized the challenge of interpreting this model for the UT Dallas campus and for the 21st century was to create a cultural center for interdisciplinary encounters that would at the same time be welcoming, inspiring, and accessible to broader audiences—students from all disciplines at UT Dallas, as well as the public.


室内门厅 ©Mauricio Rojas, Courtesy of UT Dallas


We worked closely with the University and key stakeholders, including the collections of key figures who were also influential in UT Dallas history. Through a comprehensive programming, visioning, and masterplanning process led by our team and the University, we realized that the vision and aspirations encompassed a new cultural district for the campus and community, comprised of a collection of buildings and open public spaces that connect back to the campus to the north.



The result is the Edith and Peter O'Donnell Jr. Athenaeum. Located at the southeast corner of the UT Dallas campus, the cultural district forms a new gateway organized around a central plaza flanked by museums, a performance hall, and a parking structure. The plaza, imagined as the social heart of the Athenaeum, is designed to be alive with students and activity, open for studying, socializing, and enjoying art, events, and performances.


建筑外观 ©Mauricio Rojas, Courtesy of UT Dallas


The buildings share a common design language and are conceived as volumes "carved" from a unified mass by circulation flow lines from campus, with intricate facades and outdoor spaces between them. Culture and creativity are on display throughout the masterplan, through the use of transparent lobbies and large expanses of glass that link the interior galleries and public spaces to the plaza and campus.


建筑入口 ©Mauricio Rojas, Courtesy of UT Dallas


The Phase I Museum, the first completed building in the Athenaeum, was designed with the Crow Museum of Asian Art collection and other key collections in mind, as well as spaces for studying, discussing, and debating art and ideas. Exhibition galleries float above a smaller first floor of seminar rooms, study rooms, lobby, and reading room, connected to the plaza through large windows.


内外的视线连接 ©Mauricio Rojas, Courtesy of UT Dallas

建筑二层室内 ©Mauricio Rojas, Courtesy of UT Dallas


Flexible outdoor spaces at the ground level can be used for events, studying, socializing, and performances, shaded and sheltered from the sun and elements by the deep overhang of the galleries above.


建筑外观 ©Mauricio Rojas, Courtesy of UT Dallas


Beyond designing the building itself, we also provided exhibition design services for the Crow collection galleries, working closely with the director and curator to create immersive environments that respond to the size and scale of objects in the collection. The design approachseeks to create a unique, color-rich environment for each collection by creating “rooms within rooms.”  Within each room, the exhibit display design creates an intimate setting, sized appropriately to match each type of object, where art and viewer are connected. Key galleries in the building are designed to display works in naturally lit conditions, with lightwells and window slits that permit indirect northern light to enter these galleries.


展陈空间 ©Mauricio Rojas, Courtesy of UT Dallas

一楼的Brettell阅览室专门用于纪念Richard Brettell,这个学习和会面空间存放着他个人捐赠的书籍。阅览室通向广场,并设有用于讲座和研讨会的研讨室。良好的连通性使得该建筑成为校园中充满活力的学习、讨论和研究场所。

On the first floor, we located the Brettell Reading Room, a study and convening space dedicated to the memory of Dr. Richard Brettell and designed to hold his donated personal library. The reading room opens to the plaza, with a seminar room for lectures and workshops, making the building an active part of the campus energized by learning, discussion, and study.


Brettell阅览室 ©Mauricio Rojas, Courtesy of UT Dallas
从外部望向Brettell阅览室 ©Mauricio Rojas, Courtesy of UT Dallas

二期渲染图 ▽


户外广场渲染图 ©Morphosis
门厅渲染图 ©Morphosis
排练室渲染图 ©Morphosis

音乐厅渲染图 ©Morphosis


设计图纸 ▽


总平面图 ©Morphosis
建筑总平面图 ©Morphosis
平面图1 ©Morphosis
平面图2 ©Morphosis
屋顶平面图 ©Morphosis
北立面图 ©Morphosis
南立面图 ©Morphosis
东立面图 ©Morphosis
西立面图 ©Morphosis
剖面图 ©Morphosis
剖面图 ©Morphosis
剖面图 ©Morphosis
剖面图 ©Morphosis




Design Partner: Arne Emerson

Project Manager: Aleksander Tamm-Seitz, Crystal Wang

Project Architect: Carolyn Ng, Owen Merrick

Project Designer: Daniel Pruske

Interiors Director: Natalia Traverso Caruana

Project Team: Fiorella Barreto, Colleen Fellows, Salvador Hidalgo, Flori Kryethi, Soha Haji Momeni, Yining Wang, Abagael Warnars

Project Assistants: Mackenzie Bruce, Nihan Caydamli, Jerome Deck, Fredy Gomez, Darlene Ifeorah, Ashish Kolli, Eric Meyer, Nicole Meyer, Allan Mezhibovsky, Tyler Naumann, Max Ostrow, Alejandra Casar Rodriguez, Madelyn Rosen, Garrett Schappell, Qingyuan Xu

Advanced Technology: Kerenza Harris, Atsushi Sugiuchi

BIM Manager: Joseph D'Oria

Visualization: Jasmine Park



Owner's Representative: Dr. Calvin Jamison, Vice President for Facilities and Economic Development



Local Consulting Architect: GFF

Landscape: Talley Associates

Structural: Datum Rios

Design Mep Engineer: Buro Happold

MEP Engineer Of Record: Campos Engineering

Civil: Pacheco Koch

Lighting: Office for Visual Interaction

Acoustics: DataCom Design Group

Audiovisual / IT: DataCom Design Group

Code / Life Safety: WSP

Specifications: Spec Services

Accessibility: Access By Design

Fire Protection: WSP

Signage / Graphics: Asterisk

Security: DataCom Design Group

Cost Estimator: Vermeulens

Museum Programming: Lord Cultural Resources



Construction Management: The Beck Group with joint venture partner, EJ Smith Construction

General Contractor: The Beck Group with joint venture partner, EJ Smith Construction

Precast Concrete: GATE Precast

Structural Glass: Novum Structures

Mechanical And Plumbing: Dynaten

Electrical: Prism Electric




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