

发布于:2024-10-10 10:01:17
32人 分享

冬日雪景  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然
冬日的泳池院落  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然
每一窗皆是景  ©此间建筑摄影_赵奕龙

设计单位  UAO瑞拓设计

项目地址  湖北武汉

施工时间  2023年5月—11月

项目规模  607.71平方米

撰文  李涛





Origin: Persimmon tree



Huangpi is a district in the northwest suburbs of Wuhan, which has been dominated by tourism for many years and has become the vacation garden of Wuhan people. Huangpi is also the hometown of Li Yuanhong, the first president of the Republic of China, who is also known as "Li Huangpi" - so there is a very famous Internet celebrity pedestrian street in Hankou called "Li Huangpi Road". Huangpi, with good mountains and good waters, is precisely because of the early development of tourism and real estate, and the style of architecture is a bit between the duality of urban and rural areas, just like other towns and towns that are developing rapidly, and it has become a state of a thousand cities.



The B&B business has also been booming in Huangpi in recent years, and Huangpi is a destination for weekend micro-vacations due to its proximity to the main city. The project site of Warm Village is located in Changxuanling Town, a small township at the foot of Mulan Mountain, the most famous scenic spot in Huangpi, and the buildings in the town are distributed along both sides of Mulan Avenue, uniformly dressed in the form of gray tile horse-head walls, as if smeared with thicker fat powder, the breath of life is very strong, but there is a suspicion of smirking.


俯瞰场地  ©此间建筑摄影_赵奕龙
场地日景鸟瞰  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然
从老池塘看过去的三栋民宿  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然


The South B&B is located on the south side of the hill in the south of Changxuanling Town, Fujiaxiawan, from Mulan Avenue to the next section of the road, the site has a broad bean-shaped old pond, the site has some old stone wall roots, the wall or green bricks or rammed earth bricks, the roof of small green tiles of the old houses. These old houses make people happy at a glance, and sigh that the villagers of the time had such valuable for the location of a small village, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.



Before we took over the project, Party A had already made a version of the plan - arranged around the courtyard, and the terraces were uneven. I said bluntly: it's too much like the sales department. Looking at the site on the spot, I set the site next to a century-old house at the entrance of the village, the old house only has a façade left, and the interior is overgrown with weeds and trees, the trees are more than nine meters high, which shows how long the village has been abandoned!


村中雪景鸟瞰  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然
冬天的鸟瞰视角  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然


In the first sketch, I planned the old house as the living room of the project, and made three more guest rooms along the east side of the old house. On a whim, I thought that the exterior wall of the old house could be left behind, and a swimming pool could be dug in the middle where there were no trees, forming a "virtual" contrast between the other three physical buildings. In the end, it turned out that the remnants of the walls of the old house and the design of the swimming pool became one of the most conflicting points of this project.


设计草图  ©李涛

场地原貌与设计模型  ©UAO瑞拓设计


The first time I saw the scene was in the summer, and several persimmon trees on the east side of the old house had already hung fruit, and the green persimmons were the size of small fists. It was immediately decided to find a way to preserve these persimmon trees, so that our three homestay rooms were cut and retreated, so that the square plane in the sketch was cut into an irregular hexagonal state, which is in line with the shape of five or six petals of green persimmons. In early autumn and October, the persimmons are red, and the plan is basically mature.


模型  ©UAO瑞拓设计
场地傍晚鸟瞰  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然
柿子树下的新与旧  ©此间建筑摄影_赵奕龙

▲ 项目视频介绍  制作:然也空间建筑摄影_贾然



Prototype: Porous cylinder



We formed an enclosure of the three B&Bs towards the lawn and pond, from west to east, they were the old house, Building A, Building B, and Building C; The old house and Building A are back to back, and the three buildings of ABC have formed a complementary relationship because of their own chamfering corners, and there is a centripetal force between the groups to unify.


三栋建筑因为自身的切角,形成了形态互补的关系  ©此间建筑摄影_赵奕龙
开敞舒适的内外空间  ©此间建筑摄影_赵奕龙


The three ABC buildings are connected by a thin column steel corridor, and I designed the steel purlins above the corridor to be evenly spaced in one direction to strengthen this centripetal force. Only the walls of the old mansion remain, and the swimming pool in the middle just fills the overly heavy visual relationship of the three ABC buildings in form.


泳池从形态上填补了ABC三栋建筑过重的视觉关系  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然


The plus or minus zero of the three ABC buildings is located on the same level as the old house, and the difference between their elevation and the south lawn is handled by grandstand steps, and the shape of the steps further strengthens the centripetal feeling of the three buildings. The rubble of the retaining wall around these steps is also taken from the rubble of the collapsed old houses in the village.


老宅剩下的墙垣与泳池  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然

三栋民宿都是一个平面母体的变异,建筑平面都是L形的实体+一个虚的内院。三栋的空间却有着不同的参差:A栋内院被封了屋顶,开了天窗,形成一个半室外的灰空间;B栋和C栋内院都是露天的,其实露天的内院的顶部开口,只是顶部开洞的另外一种形式而已; B栋的客厅则贯穿了两层空高,而屋顶也布置了天窗,从而形成了B栋弥漫着阳光的艺术馆式的高耸客厅空间。

The three buidings are all variations of a plane matrix, and the building planes are all L-shaped entities + a virtual inner courtyard. The spaces of the three buildings are different: the inner courtyard of Building A has a sealed roof and a skylight is opened to form a semi-outdoor gray space; The inner courtyards of buildings B and C are both open-air, but in fact, the top opening of the open-air inner courtyard is just another form of opening at the top; The living room of Building B is two-storey high, and the roof is also arranged with skylights, creating a skylight in the style of a skyscraper.


庭院空间  ©此间建筑摄影_赵奕龙
开了窗的灰空间  ©此间建筑摄影_赵奕龙
贯穿了两层空高的庭院  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然
弥漫着阳光的艺术馆式的高耸客厅空间  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然


In terms of three-dimensional form, the parent body of the three buildings is a hexagonal cylinder with the top surface obliquely cut; The various facades and top surfaces of the hexagonal columns were excavated with various irregular porous layouts, and I arranged the glass on these holes as close to the exterior wall as possible to create a sculptural sense of volume.


六边柱体的各个立面和顶面,则开挖了各种不规则的孔  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然
体量的雕塑感  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然



Window view: borrowed trees into the painting



Building A is the largest in size, and the floor height of the first floor is deliberately designed to be slightly higher for the use of public dining and living rooms; It faces the pond and the entrance road, and on one side is a floor-to-ceiling glass folding door that can be fully opened; The glass windows of the old house facing the west are frameless to the ground, and you can see the blue mosaic pool surrounded by the old stone walls. A few of the remaining trees grew from the wooden floor, swaying in the courtyard of the original old house gate, next to the pool.


可以完全打开的落地玻璃折叠门  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然
正对泳池的客房一隅  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然


The second floor of Building A is a two-bedroom suite, and the hole in the wall of the terrace just frames the persimmon trees that are preserved outdoors. The long window in the guest room on the second floor can open to a branch of the France plane tree in front of the door, giving it the sense of déjà vu of a banner Chinese painting; The large frameless glass window next to the bathroom bathtub faces the main trunk of the France sycamore, this time for the careful placement of each tree, as well as the window in the corner of the stairwell, facing the tree behind the building.


借树入画  ©此间建筑摄影_赵奕龙
卫生间浴缸边的无框玻璃窗,对着法国梧桐的主干  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然


The same is true for Building B, where each window has a relationship with the trees outside. The highlight of Building B is the two-storey living room and the perforated windows on the walls and top, allowing light and shadow to fill the white two-storey space. Another highlight of Building B is the separate circular bathtub in the bathroom, with floor-to-ceiling glass on one side.


窗户都和室外的树木产生关系  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然
圆形浴缸一侧就是落地玻璃  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然


The first floor of Building C has a pink layout; The second floor combines the relatively high floor height to make a slide, and the horizontal window above the toilet in the bathroom is also the best location for viewing.


结合比较高的层高做了滑滑梯  ©此间建筑摄影_赵奕龙


We have set a principle in the window plan: the exterior wall window is frameless and large, and the window in the inner courtyard should be separated by ventilation. The aim is to ensure that the landscape is unobstructed.


无处不在的风景  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然



Ingenuity: wood grain fair-faced concrete



The exterior walls of the three B&Bs are all wood grain fair-faced concrete; During the period when this plan was conceived, we were practicing wood grain concrete in another café project, which was practiced and verified in the café project from the proportioning, wood grain formwork selection, proofing, full-height wood formwork production and rebar binding, cross-bolt selection, concrete selection, concrete pouring and vibrator timing, demoulding timing, perforation treatment, surface honeycomb treatment, exterior wall protector painting, etc. Therefore, in The South B&B, we just continued to practice and verify this step, and also got a higher degree of completion.


三栋民宿的外墙都是木纹清水混凝土  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然


In the early stage of pouring, at least 7 samples of different sizes were poured, and various surface treatments such as brush coatings, fire retardants, and protective agents were tested on the samples.



The exterior walls of courtyards and stairwells that do not require thermal insulation functions are double-sided wood grain fair-faced concrete; The exterior wall of the room is single-sided wood grain fair-faced concrete + internal insulation treatment; In the pouring sequence, after the completion of a layer of clear water pouring, wait for the removal of the mold and then complete the formwork and pouring of the second layer, and the first and second layers are separated by a process seam.


院落夜景  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然
露天内院  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然


Wood-grained concrete, blue skies and large areas of undivided glass windows give the building a tranquil atmosphere; It is different from the visual boredom of other white box B&Bs, and also different from the locality of using local materials to create modern B&Bs.


体量的雕塑感  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然



Contemplation: The feeling moves through space



The last user of the building space is people, especially the vacation product of B&B. The consistent matrix and centripetal general map relationship of the three B&Bs is only the surface play of the building, and the inner core is its appropriate scale and the wandering relationship between people in it.


身体在空间里游走  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然
室内空间  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然


For example, the axis of the staircase is controlled at 1200, but its aspect ratio is close to 1:5, coupled with the top light of the high windows and the smooth surface of the wood grain concrete on both sides under the light, so that this space has a divine glow that climbs up the stairs; The two-storey courtyard and the two-storey living room also have this meaning, because you must look up at the blue sky and white clouds framed in the skylight of the concrete roof; This is the poetry created by the concrete box.


混凝土盒子所营造的诗意  ©此间建筑摄影_赵奕龙
抬头看混凝土屋顶的天窗里所框选的蓝天白云  ©此间建筑摄影_赵奕龙


The same is true for each inner courtyard, imitating the ancient building of the Four Waters Returning to the Hall is just a form, and completing the L-shaped entity and the outer two walls of the inner courtyard is only the first step in the gestalt, and the important thing is that people can clearly feel that outside the room, there is a courtyard and a wall, and there is a transition of gray space, even if you look out from the second floor.


二层观景视角  ©此间建筑摄影_赵奕龙
拾级而上的神性光芒  ©此间建筑摄影_赵奕龙


Nature, materials and feeling are also the basic logic that I have summarized in my small architecture in the past few years, which is both technique and philosophy.


冬日雪景  ©然也空间建筑摄影_贾然


设计图纸 ▽


总平面图  ©UAO瑞拓设计
A栋平面图  ©UAO瑞拓设计
B栋平面图  ©UAO瑞拓设计
C栋平面图  ©UAO瑞拓设计

立面图  ©UAO瑞拓设计


























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