
BIM建筑|英国布莱顿公学表演艺术中心 / krft+NHA

发布于:2024-10-11 14:00:07
18人 分享

建筑外观 ©Stijn Bollaert

方案设计  krft architects

合作设计  Nicholas Hare Architects

项目地点  英国布莱顿

建成时间  2024年

建筑面积  3,200平方米



In the last 10 years, Brighton College has enriched its 19th-century campus with a series of new buildings, improving the facilities of this inner-city Independent School. It has understood the strong power of architecture to improve learning environments.


建筑外观远景 ©Stijn Bollaert
建筑外观近景 ©Stijn Bollaert

在该项目中,学院要求建造一座以剧院大厅为核心空间的综合性教育建筑,所有表演艺术活动都将在其中进行。竞赛要求在一块小场地上建造一座约3,000平方米的建筑,剧院大厅需设置400个座位。场地毗邻由Gilbert Scott设计、1849年建成的新哥特式受保护建筑,和OMA为该学校设计的体育与科学大楼。

The College asked for an integral educational building in which all performance arts would take place, with a theatre hall as the heart of the building. The competition required a 3000 square meter building, including a 400-seat theatre hall, on a small site, in between the listed Gilbert Scott-designed Main Building and the soon-to-be-delivered Sports & Science building by OMA.



A young architecture studio based in Amsterdam, krft, developed amazing design proposals for the College and won the competition, after which led the design through to the end of stage 3 (with NHA collaborating and providing technical support). NHA have been leading the project from stage 4 onwards.


建筑及周边环境 ©Stijn Bollaert


In it response, krft positioned the theatre hall upwards, floating above a multi-oriented social space, that moves around the building, making connections to all outdoor spaces surrounding the site. This emphasizes the building as a pivot point of all movement around the outdoor campus space and avoids any possible 'backsides' of the building on campus.


设计示意图 ©krft+NHA
剖面示意图 ©krft+NHA
剧院大厅 ©Stijn Bollaert

练习室空间位于地下层,利用其双层通高从地面层捕捉阳光和景色;而门厅空间则被安排在更高的Home Ground层。

The studio spaces, positioned on an underground level, use their double height to capture daylight and views from the ground floor and lift the foyer space to the higher Home Ground level.


练习室 ©Stijn Bollaert

建筑内部大厅 ©Stijn Bollaert


In its architecture, the building tries to bridge the monumental with the contemporary. The building rises as a white chalk cliff from the green campus space. A facade, mixing contemporary brickwork with traditional flint bridges again the different characters of the surrounding campus.


建筑内部 ©Stijn Bollaert

建筑及周边环境 ©Stijn Bollaert


设计图纸 ▽


总平面图 ©krft+NHA
总体立面和剖面图 ©krft+NHA
地下一层和地面层平面图 ©krft+NHA
一层和二层平面图 ©krft+NHA
立面图 ©krft+NHA
立面图 ©krft+NHA
剖面图 ©krft+NHA
剖面图 ©krft+NHA



Architects: KRFT and NHA


Services Consultants - Skelly & Couch

Structural Engineers - Momentum

Planning Consultant - Lichfields

Fire Consultant - The Fire Surgery

Landscape Architect - Bradley-Hole Schoenaich

BREEAM assessor - Eight Associates

Approved Inspector - AIS

Project Manager and Quantity Surveyor - Elliot Consulting

Client: Brighton College

Area: 3,200m²


Planning consent was granted in December 2021

Completed - May 2024

Location: Eastern Rd, Brighton BN2 OAL, United Kingdom.

Cost: €28.21Mill. (£24Mill.)

Photography: Stijn Bollaert - www.stijnbollaert.com


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