

发布于:2025-03-14 11:49:28
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a precedent for building on water: mareterra eco-district completes in monaco


Mareterra生态区位于摩纳哥,由Renzo Piano建筑工作室的建筑设计师Valode et Pistre 和景观设计师Michel Desvigne联合设计。该生态区是首个设计在水上的可持续发展的城市建筑,预计2024年12月完工。该项目场地用地约为国有土地面积的3%,项目通过向周边扩展6公顷的场地面积来重塑摩纳哥的海岸线。Mareterra生态区具有可持续性、创新性和公益性等特征,一旦建成,将成为摩纳哥沿海开发区的新地标,也会成为该地区历史上的新里程碑。

摩纳哥是一个小国家,土地资源有限,但Mareterra生态区在建造中完美的解决了这个问题。该生态区建造前先进行海岸填埋,然后在填埋的土地上进行建造,该生态园区内部设计有Le Renzo住宅、公园、滨海长廊、码头和商业部分。该生态区的一半区域都对外开放,可以让居民和游客在场区内的休闲空间中得到放松。采用这种设计方法主要是国家为了平衡城市现代化发展和环境保护之间的关系。

The newly completed Mareterra project in Monaco, designed by Valode et Pistre Architectes, Renzo Piano Building Workshop, and landscape architect Michel Desvigne, is a groundbreaking example of sustainable urban expansion on water. Officially opening to the public in December 2024, this ambitious land reclamation initiative enhances Monaco’s coastline by adding six hectares to its territory — approximately 3% of the Principality’s total land area. Mareterra’s completion marks a milestone in Monaco’s history of coastal development, with a focus on sustainability, innovation, and public benefit.
Mareterra addresses the geographic constraints of Monaco, a small nation with limited land for expansion. Built entirely on reclaimed land, the district integrates the Le Renzo residences, public parks, a seaside promenade, a marina, and commercial spaces. Half of its area is reserved for public use, ensuring that residents and visitors alike benefit from accessible green and leisure spaces. This urban design approach reflects the Principality’s commitment to balancing modern development with environmental preservation.


images © Hufton + Crow Photography



From the outset, Mareterra has been a testbed for innovative construction techniques and environmental safeguards. Marine biologists, pers, and other specialists collaborated to relocate and protect marine species such as posidonia and large nacres. Anti-turbidity screens and carefully timed dredging minimized sediment disturbance during construction, while underwater caissons were engineered to double as habitats for marine life, fostering biopersity in the reclaimed area.
Mareterra exemplifies eco-design principles, aligning with Monaco’s goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Key sustainability features include a seawater thalasso-thermal loop for heating and cooling, rainwater collection systems for irrigation, and extensive solar panel installations supplying 40% of the district’s energy needs. Green roofs, a one-hectare pine forest, and the planting of over 1,000 large trees further contribute to biopersity and ecological balance.


Monaco’s Mareterra land reclaimation project opens December 2024, six months ahead of schedule

Mareterra生态区由世界知名建筑师Valode et Pistre设计,除场地规划外,还设计了Jardins d'Eau和Colline区域内的展览空间和基础设施。Renzo Piano建筑事务所还设计了Le Renzo住宅和港口规划,Michel Desvigne设计师设计了场地内部景观,景观由城市元素和自然元素共同组成。除以上设计师外,还有Foster + Partners、Stefano Boeri Architetti和Tadao Ando等设计师为该生态区的设计提供了思路,使得生态区内的建筑类型更加丰富。



The design of Mareterra showcases contributions from world-renowned architects. Valode et Pistre Architectes shaped the overall urban layout and designed the Jardins d’Eau and Colline districts, which include public infrastructure and exhibition spaces. Renzo Piano Building Workshop contributed to the design of the Port district and the Le Renzo residential building, while Michel Desvigne orchestrated the landscape design, blending urban and natural elements. Other notable contributors include Foster + Partners, Stefano Boeri Architetti, and Tadao Ando, whose designs for residential villas enrich the district’s architectural persity.
Mareterra expands Monaco’s cultural infrastructure with an additional 10,000 square meters for the Grimaldi Forum, including 6,000 square meters dedicated to exhibitions. Public amenities such as meditation spaces, the Blue Grotto — a marine observation area — and a pedestrianized promenade ensure that the district offers something for everyone, fostering community engagement and cultural enrichment.
Mareterra’s success sets a precedent for sustainable land reclamation projects worldwide. Designed with anti-seismic standards to address the risks of rising sea levels, the project is a forward-thinking solution to urbanization in coastal regions. Its innovative use of caisson technology and environmental protocols offers valuable insights for future developments in marine environments.


▲ 该项目完美的解决了城市扩张问题和海平面上升的危险
the project addresses urban growth and rising sea levels through innovative coastal construction


▲ Mareterra生态区建成之后将会为摩纳哥增加6公顷的土地面积,其中包含有城市公园和码头
Mareterra adds six hectares to Monaco with pedestrian-friendly promenades parks and a marina


▲ 该生态区由Renzo Piano建筑事务所的Valode et Pistre建筑师和Michel Desvigne景观设计师联合设计
architects Valode et Pistre, Renzo Piano, and Michel Desvigne lead the design of this eco-district


▲ 该项目中的可持续发展措施有太阳能电池板装置系统、海水加热系统和雨水收集系统
sustainability measures include solar panels, seawater heating systems, and rainwater collection


▲ 该生态区内规划有1公顷的树林,种植的是本地树种,增加了生态区的绿化率,促进了生物多样性
a one-hectare park with native trees enhances greenery and promotes biopersity


▲ 该项目中使用了水下沉箱技术,目的是保护海洋生物多样性和维护海洋生态系统平衡
underwater caissons were designed to preserve biopersity and support marine ecosystems








建筑设计:Renzo Piano建筑事务所(简称RPBW)的建筑师
场地构架(项目规划、基础设施):Valode et Pistre设计师
工程设计:Bouygues Travaux
景观设计:Michel Desvigne
摄影:Hufton + Crow

project info:
name: Mareterra | @mareterramonaco
architecture (Le Renzo building): Renzo Piano Building Workshop (RPBW) Architects | @rpbw_architects
architecture (project plan, infrastructure): Valode et Pistre | @valodeetpistre
location: Monaco
engineering: Bouygues Travaux
landscape architect: Michel Desvigne | @micheldesvignepaysagiste
completion: December 2024
photography: © Hufton + Crow Photography | @huftonandcrow
