
BIM建筑|美国普利兹克军事档案中心 / Jahn/建筑事务所

发布于:2024-10-17 20:00:07
28人 分享

建筑外观及内部 ©Tom Rossiter

设计单位  Jahn/

项目地点  美国威斯康辛州

建成时间  2024年

建筑面积  1393.5平方米





Jahn has completed the state-of-the-art facility to house and expand the collections of the Pritzker Military Museum & Library. The library relocated its operations from Chicago to the new Archives Center in Somers, a village in Kenosha County approximately 30 miles outside of Milwaukee.


▲ 项目视频  ©Jahn/


建筑外观 ©Tom Rossiter


From its inception, the Pritzker Military Archives Center was envisioned to place flexibility and innovation at the forefront. The new 15,000 SF facility features exhibition space and below-grade archival storage, providing Wisconsin residents and visitors with an immersive museum experience.



It supports the organization's mission to increase the public's understanding of military history, highlight citizen-soldiers' contribution to bettering civilian life, and build upon the relationship between the armed forces and the people they serve to protect.


项目鸟瞰 ©Tom Rossiter

Jahn/建筑事务主席Evan Jahn表示:“我们很荣幸能够成为合作团队的一员,共同实现业主心目中的普利兹克军事档案中心。中心的使命是协助人们从过去的冲突中吸取教训,避免重蹈覆辙。这也是我们一同坚守的愿景,设计由始至终都是建基于此来塑造的。”

"We are proud to have been part of the collaborative team that brought our client's vision for the Pritzker Military Archives Center to life," said Evan Jahn, President of Jahn. "From start to finish, our design has been shaped and informed by our shared commitment to the center's mission of learning from past conflicts so we can help prevent future ones."


建筑外观 ©Tom Rossiter


The Pritzker Military Archives Center employs a 36-foot structural grid system where 390-foot trusses act as bearing walls to support the roof and provide lateral stability.



The cantilevered roof frames an outdoor exhibit space, presenting an open and inviting image to visitors and creating a striking presence in the landscape.



The elevated roof and expansive interior maximize both functional efficiency and visual impact, providing optimal working conditions for staff and an inspiring environment for visitors.


建筑内部空间 ©Tom Rossiter
建筑细节 ©Tom Rossiter


This design is inspired by the shape of the World War II-era landing craft. The building's exposed steel-frame structure is painted a bright red – the color of courage, and clad in highperformance glass. Inside, A partial-height glass partition reveals the private workspaces of curators and archivists to the public, offering a unique glimpse into the intricate process of preserving history.


建筑内部空间 ©Tom Rossiter

普利兹克军事档案中心占地17.5英亩(约7.1公顷),景观设计体现了中心对环境保护的强烈责任感。项目只利用整个地块不到4%的面积来兴建建筑,并找来O2 Design合作规划景观设计,确保能够为附近的湿地起到保护作用。项目中的社区空间包括绿化步行道和自行车道,以及野餐专用的位置。

Spanning 17.5 acres, the grounds of the Pritzker Military Archives Center reflect a deep commitment to environmental preservation. With less than 4% of the total area allocated for buildings, the landscape planned by our project partner O2 Design ensures the protection of the nearby wetlands. The community area includes green walking and biking trails, as well as dedicated picnic spots.



Sustainable practices are integral to the site's design; rainwater is harvested for irrigation and a 50,561 kWh solar field provides electricity for the entire site.


建筑远景 ©Tom Rossiter
景观空间 ©Tom Rossiter

Jahn/建筑事务所与顾问Cyclone Energy Group和承包商Pepper-Riley Construction紧密合作,实现了业主对高性能建筑的期望。普利兹克军事档案中心不仅是记录军事历史的地方,也是建筑与工程紧密结合的成果,见证了事务所60年来坚持的融合建筑与工程的理念。

Jahn worked closely with consultants at Cyclone Energy Group and contractors at Pepper-Riley Construction to achieve the client's vision for a high-performance building.The center not only serves as a repository of military history but also stands as a testament to the close integration of architecture and engineering, which has defined Jahn through its 60-year legacy.


夕阳下的建筑外观 ©Tom Rossiter


设计图纸 ▽


平面图 ©Jahn/
西立面图及剖面图 ©Jahn/
立面图 ©Jahn/
立面细节图 ©Jahn/
立面细节图 ©Jahn/



建筑师:Jahn/ (Helmut Jahn FAIA, Philip Castillo FAIA, Tobias Dold, Graham Bowman, Lucie Rigaldies)




土木工程:Terra Engineering

照明设计:Reed Burkett Lighting Design

声学:Threshold Acoustics

能源/舒适度:Cyclone Energy Group

业主:Archives & Armory of PMML WI LLC

总承包商:Pepper-Riley Construction

摄影:Tom Rossiter






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